Looking Back

Over the course of the past four months,fifteen weeks to be exact, I have been exposed to various types of writing. Taking English 101 my first semester at Bridgewater State University has impacted my writing skills in a positive way. From a personal mission statement to rhetorical analysis and proposals just to name a few. Being the first, it As a first semester college freshman, I learned about my types and the variations of writing. This first semester most likely the semester that I learned the most. I learned the expectations for writing in college that I will have to live up to over the course of my college career.

I will be exposed to many other types of writing beyond the ones that I have been exposed to over the course of the semester. During the first week writing of a personal mission statement, where I had to describe myself and explain who I am. That weeks writing is critical when it comes to careers. Personal mission statements and professional biographies, in week 4,  appear on the tops of resumes when applying for jobs as well as websites in an about me section or meet our staff. I am now capable to taking this writing and applying and changing it to my own life further down the road.

A complaint which employers discuss when hiring new staff is that the new personnel is not clear in their writing. Over the semester, I have been able to work on clearly expressing ideas through writing. I learned that the writing that I do is not only going to be looked at by my professors but by others as well who do not know me and may have no idea what I am talking about or the message that I am trying to convey in the writing. I learned this when writing a proposal. I had to be clear and write as though the proposal would not be well accepted and had to pick an audience for whom the proposal was being written for. As well as, considering all the possible setbacks in the proposal.

Fifteen weeks is certainly not a lot of time. However, this first semester each week being presented with new types of writing and having a taste of each has prepared me for the future beyond college. Some of the writings, I will take with my and continue to work on and actually put them to use beyond the classroom. Using a professional biography and personal mission statement for jobs and expanding on my proposal for a roundabout. Not that others types of writing are not important like writing a short article however, this is more helpful academically.  No matter the type of writing, this semester I have learned a lot about college writing and what I have to look forward to over the course of the next four years.


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